MOVE2EARN APY — Easy and Safe

5 min readMay 15, 2022

MOVEAPY holders will get a return with a sustainable Fixed APY of 404202% compounding EVERY three Seconds, or 28800 instances a day.
Beside, MOVE2EARN APY affords users more than a few approaches to earn greater income. Play-To-Earn & Move-To-Earn & Dex-wallet are the most prominent.
Staking is now easier, extra environment friendly & worthwhile with MOVE2EARN APY Auto-Staking Protocol. It’s bringing the best steady returns in crypto.
To get the reward, you simply want to purchase and keep $MOVEAPY tokens in your wallet. The rewards will be introduced in your wallet. You do no longer want to save in third celebration or switch anywhere. It’s easy and extraordinarily protected for your asset.
Automatic LP: MOVE2EARN APY Auto-Liquidity Provide Feature will inject automatic liquidity into the market each forty eight hours. There is a tax price that routinely receives saved into an Auto-LP pockets and constructed into our protocol’s clever contract.
Sustainable Fixed APY: Highest constant APY will be 404202%. MOVE2EARN APY’s reward is constant for customers and your property will make bigger with the aid of 0.094844% each 3 Seconds, or 28800 instances a day.
Low Risk with the Trust Fund (TF): RCF pockets will helps preserve and lower back the staking rewards furnished with the aid of the tremendous rebase of which 4% purchase and 4% promote are redirected to the TF.
Burning mechanism: In order to maintain the excessive rewards, the MOVE2EARN APY Protocol burns 2% of all Buy & Sell transactions. This will additionally assist to preserve the MOVEAPY token provide beneath control.

MOVE2EARN APY Play To Earn game — Coming Soon
Move to Earn feature will be integrated to MOVE2EARN APY . Users just need to access the application and complete the tasks. There will be daily, weekly and monthly quest system. The more quests you complete, the more rewards you will get.
With move to earn feature, MOVE2EARN APY users not only earn more income but also improve their health. Let’s use MOVE2EARN APY NFT and complete the move to get reward.

Move2Earn APY is but some other game-changer in the discipline of decentralized finance with its new-to-the-market Auto compounding protocol to supply the absolute best sustainable APY possible. Crypto property aren’t supposed for retaining them idle in the wallets. Instead, they have a significant doable to earn you properly returns whilst you sleep on deciding on the appropriate DeFi protocol. You can journey the electricity of compounding thru Move2Earn APY compounding Dapp, which grants the industry’s best constant APY. In addition to the compounding DeFi protocol, Move2Earn APY gives a whole lot more, such as however no longer restrained to Rebasing tokens, Move to Earn games, Play to Earn, and DEX wallet. The thinking is to disrupt the ordinary economic ecosystems with a move of progressive merchandise and technologies.
With the crypto cash world turning into famous day with the aid of day, many extraordinary types of a token, NFT, or other metaverse initiatives are emerging. While some of them ride a fast rise, some of them lose price swiftly from the first time they are released. Move2Earn APY is a extremely good undertaking that has emerged as the fine Move2Earn and Auto-Staking protocol in this context. Move2Earn APY provides many distinct privileges to its customers each day. However, it makes it feasible for customers to earn in exceptional approaches as Move2Earn and Auto-Staking Protocol in quite a number ways.
How does Auto-compounding work?
According to Albert Einstein, “Compound pastime is the world’s eighth wonder.” This may appear like an exaggeration, however there is the math in the back of it to show the practicable of compounding effect. Earning returns is extra simple with Move2Earn APY, involving the BUY-HOLD-EARN mechanism. You purchase the Move2Earn APY tokens and preserve them for a duration to earn rewards immediately into your wallet. As a result, the variety of tokens in your pockets will substantially make bigger over time.
The compounding rewards each minute, and Move2Earn APY’s complete APY supplied is 404,202%. With this easy buy, hold, and earn mechanism of Move2Earn APY, your portfolio grows exponentially in your wallets with constant hobby quotes per yr except you having to do anything.

The $MOVEAPY token is based totally on a fine rebasing mechanism to come across charge volatility. The fluctuations in the fee of the MOVEAPY token will be crushed with the aid of its elastic grant thru activities referred to as rebases. When a Move2Earn occurs, the grant of the token is improved algorithmically, based totally on the modern grant of the token.
Liquidity administration Liquidity can be idea of as a giant pool of cash that is cut up into half of between MOVEAPY and $BNB tokens. There is a conversion ratio that is set to the quantity of MOVEAPY that can be received thru BNB.
MOVEAPY Token Mechanism & Rewards Distribution: To aid its fee and Move2Earn rewards, the employs a complicated set of factors. It consists of the MOVEAPY Risk Control Fund (RCF), which acts as an insurance plan fund to make certain the MOVEAPY Protocol’s charge steadiness and long-term viability with the aid of retaining a steady charge of Move2EarnAPY paid to all MOVEAPY token holders each three sec.
MOVEAPY DEX Wallet is an handy to use, multi cryptocurrency pockets which can save crypto currencies and join with it to alternate over decentralised exchanges like pancake swap and 1inch trade (DEX Wallet support). The crypto pockets now helps on-wallet staking, permitting customers to earn rewards on supported proof of stake (POS) & delegated proof of stake (DPOS) tokens.

Move2EarnAPY Tokenomics :
Initial Supply — 1,00,000 MOVEAPY
Airdrop : 5% (5,000)
Ecosystem: 15% (15,000)
Private Sale — 10% (10,000)
Pink Sale- 40% (40,000)
Liquidity- 21% (21,000)
Marketing And Development: 9% (9,000)

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